Archive Extractor is a small and easy online tool that can extract over 70 types of compressed files, such as 7z, zipx, rar, tar, exe, dmg and much more.
They are two different formats so obviously rar repair software will not recognise your zip archives. I cant give you a solution about why your programms wont work, but here's another practical solution. Ask someone to send you the file via e-mail. It is possible to reset fileassociations to their default. Google 'How to reset file associations in Windows XX' where XX is your version of Windows. It is however not needed as it has no influence on how the file works. Next there is your.rar files. Use WinRAR or another packing program that can handle these to extract the files in them.
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7z, zipx, rar, tar, exe, dmg, iso, zip, msi, nrg, gz, cab, bz2, wim, ace, adf, alz, ar, arc, arj, bin, cdi, chm, cpt, cpio, cramfs, crunch, deb, dd, dms, ext, fat, format, gpt, hfs, ihex, lbr, lzh, lzma, lzm, mbr, mdf, nsa, nds, nsis, ntfs, pit, pak, pdf, pp, qcow2, rpm, sar, squashfs, squeeze, sit, sitx, swf, udf, uefi, vdi, vhd, vmdk, warc, xar, xz, z, zoo, zi, jar
Supports password-protected archives
Can unpack multi-part archives (zip.001, rar.part1, z01, etc)